Upcoming Events
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Easter Special Offering
The Easter Offering supports General Ministries of the Church. General ministries serve across the United States and Canada, and around the world. General Ministries also partner in ministry with a variety of far-reaching and unique organizations. Learn more here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Regional Board Meeting - In Person
The Regional Board will meet at The Table at First Christian Church Warner Robins for an in-person meeting, located at 100 North Houston Road, Warner Robins, Georgia 31093.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Disciples Men: Let’s Go Fishing
Georgia Disciples Men are invited to a day of fishing and fellowship at Camp Christian Conference Center, with additional camp related activities for non-fisherman. Includes lunch at 11:30 am and a cookout from 4-6 pm. The event is free but registration is required here. Download a flier to post at your church here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Required Camp Safety & Boundaries Training
Camp staff and volunteers (directors, counselors and CIT’s) are required to complete “Creating a Safe Environment (CASE),” a child safety workshop suitable for those working in youth-serving ministries. The 2.5 hour workshop offered through the Insurance Board and its partner, Praesidium, is a state of the art, research based, facilitator-led, video-based training that provides practical solutions to navigating the many "gray areas" that can emerge day-to-day. Registration coming soon.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Camp Workdays
Make plans to come to camp anytime during the week of May 31-June 7 to get ready for camp. Carolyn Grant of Sandy Springs Christian Church is heading up this project; contact Marilyn Parks or Pam VanDusen, Regional Co-Directors of Camping Program here for details.
Pentecost Special Offering
The Pentecost Offering supports Disciples Church development. Planning, nurturing and sustaining new congregation is part of the Disciples’ vision. This offering supports the specialized ministry of new church development through both regional and general programs. Gifts for this offering are divided equally between the region in which they’re given and the New Church Ministry. Learn more here.
Required Camp Safety & Boundaries Training
Camp staff and volunteers (directors, counselors and CIT’s) are required to complete “Creating a Safe Environment (CASE),” a child safety workshop suitable for those working in youth-serving ministries. The 2.5 hour workshop offered through the Insurance Board and its partner, Praesidium, is a state of the art, research based, facilitator-led, video-based training that provides practical solutions to navigating the many "gray areas" that can emerge day-to-day. Registration coming soon.
Chi Rho Camp
For youth who have completed grades 6, 7, or 8 by the end of the 2024/2025 academic year.
Chrysalis Camp
For youth who have complete grades 1 or 2 by the end of the 2024/2025 academic year.
Junior Camp
For youth who have completed grades 6, 7, or 8 by the end of the 2024/2025 academic year.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Genesis Camp
For youth who have complete Kindergarten by the end of the 2024/2025 academic year, with a parent, grandparent, or other adult.
CYF Conference
For youth who have complete grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 by the end of the 2024/2025 academic year.
General Assembly of the Christian Church (DOC)
Join with Disciples from across the US and Canada, as well as global and ministry and mission partners, for the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Memphis, TN. More information to come.
Oasis Day Camp
A day camp on July 15, 16, and 17 for Wilkinson County 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and giving Georgia Disciples youth the opportunity to serve as Counselors in Training (CITs). CIT youth must have completed grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 by the end of 2024/2025 academic year.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Healthy Boundaries 101: Fundamentals
An introductory workshop in healthy boundaries with an emphasis on power and vulnerability and including discussions on transference, friendships, dating, and self-care. This is the foundational Healthy Boundaries workshop which is a prerequisite to either Healthy Boundaries 201 or Healthy Boundaries 301. More information and registration coming.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Training
This PRAR training, led by the Christian Church in Virginia Reconciliation Commission, will feature 2 parts: Day 1 (Sept. 12) is a “Training for Trainers.” If you have been wondering how you can get more involved with this work, this workshop is for you. Day 2 (Sept. 13) is open to lay leaders, clergy, and any interested members of Georgia Disciples congregations. This training meets the Commission on Ministry Clergy PRAR requirements. More information, registration, and location TBA.
2025 Craddock Lecture
Peachtree Christian Church invites you to the 2025 Craddock Lecture, featuring Rev. Dr. Jason Byassee, senior minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church in Toronto, Ontario and noted preacher, writer, and professor. His primary vocation is to reinvigorate today’s church with the best of ancient and contemporary wisdom for creatively faithful living. Learn more here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Georgia Disciples Women Fall Retreat
Georgia Disciples Women will meet for a Fall Retreat at Epworth by the Sea in St. Simons, GA, guided by the scripture, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and the theme “What is Your Fragrance?” More information coming soon.
Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering
The Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering is received on the last Sunday in September and the first Sunday in October (World Communion Sunday) in support of ministries and congregations actively developing and implementing Pro-Reconciliation and Anti-Racist programs. These efforts take place through education, camp and conference, and relationship-building in many expressions of our Church. Learn more here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Regional Board Meeting - In Person
The Regional Board will meet in the metro Atlanta area for an in-person meeting (location TBA).
Healthy Boundaries 201: Beyond Fundamentals and Into the Digital Age
An advanced discussion of healthy boundaries for clergy and church leaders, designed for those who have completed Healthy Boundaries 101. This workshop builds on the basics and applies boundaries principles to specific situations with particular emphasis on internet technology and social media.
Thanksgiving Special Offering
The Thanksgiving Offering supports Disciples colleges, universities, and theological institutions. Disciples have a long history of post-secondary and theological education. This offering helps support 15 colleges and universities, plus 7 seminaries and theological programs. Gifts from this offering continue the Disciples tradition of developing church and community leaders. Learn more here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Christmas Special Offering
The Christmas Offering supports regional ministries in 31 regions across the United States and Canada. The Christmas Offering is a critical part of the Christian Church in Georgia because 100 percent of giving from Georgia congregations remains in the Georgia region, supporting regional camps, conferences, retreats, and programs, and playing a critical role in calling and ordaining new ministers. Learn more here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Southeast Regional Fellowship Retreat
The Disciples Women of the Southeast Regional Fellowship (SERF) will gather at Christmount Christian Assembly, Black Mountain, NC, for a retreat around the theme, “You Are Enough.” Keynoter Rev. Dr. Marcia Whitney Mount Shoop will explore the theme along with the focus scripture 2 Corinthians 9:8. The Southeast Regional Fellowship (SERF) is a geographic cluster including Alabama-Northwest Florida, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia regions, as well as the Piedmont District Convention, Kentucky Christian Missionary Convention, and Obra Hispana. More information and registration coming soon.
Chi Rho Camp
For youth who have completed grades 6, 7, or 8 by the end of the 2025/2026 academic year.
Chrysalis Camp
For youth who have complete grades 1 or 2 by the end of the 2025/2026 academic year.
Junior Camp
For youth who have completed grades 6, 7, or 8 by the end of the 2025/2026 academic year.
Genesis Camp
For youth who have complete Kindergarten by the end of the 2025/2026 academic year, with a parent, grandparent, or other adult.
CYF Conference
For youth who have complete grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 by the end of the 2025/2026 academic year.
Oasis Day Camp
A day camp on July 14, 15, and 16 for Wilkinson County 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and giving Georgia Disciples youth the opportunity to serve as Counselors in Training (CITs). CIT youth must have completed grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 by the end of 2025/2026 academic year.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Training
A regional Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Training, led by Rev. Yvonne Gilmore, Associate General Minister & President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), will be offered on March 22, 2025, from 9 am-4 pm at First Christian Church of Atlanta, 4532 LaVista Rd, Tucker, GA 30084. This event is open to Regional Board and staff, clergy, and lay leaders and meets Commission on Ministry Clergy PRAR requirement. Learn more and register here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom with Pastor Kyle
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Georgia Disciples Women's Retreat
The Story Continues. . . .
Hurricane Helene changed our fall retreat plans, but we know you will love this rescheduled event at Little Ocmulgee State Park and Lodge. Learn more and register here.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Week of Compassion Special Offering
As the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Week of Compassion works with partners to alleviate suffering throughout the world. Each year in February, congregations across the United States and Canada collect a Special Offering for Week of Compassion, fueling Week of Compassion's work and witness throughout the whole year. Learn more about this year’s theme “Heard and Seen,” and get many resources, from children’s sermons, to mission moments, graphics, and a video here.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
2025 Regional Youth Assembly
Join us for an inspiring 2025 Regional Youth Assembly at Epworth by the Sea on St. Simons Island, Georgia, from January 31 to February 2! This assembly is an incredible opportunity for the youth of the Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia to come together for fellowship, worship, and personal growth. Don’t miss out on this chance to deepen your faith and build lasting connections! Learn more and register here.
You’re invited to post this RYA 2025 flier in your church or include it in your church newsletter, Facebook, or Instagram page.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
“Thrive in 2025” —Monthly Church Growth Zoom Call
Join Pastor Kyle Ermoian, Director of New Church & Church Development, Christian Church in Georgia, every 3rd Thursday at 4 pm for a Zoom call on church growth. These monthly, 1-hour gatherings are targeted for pastors and designed to impart proven and practical principles to help our Georgia Disciples congregations grow in number and in spiritual depth. Email Pastor Kyle here for the Zoom link. Download a flier here.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Christmas Special Offering
The Christmas Offering supports regional ministries in 31 regions across the United States and Canada. The Christmas Offering is a critical part of the Christian Church in Georgia because 100 percent of giving from Georgia congregations remains in the Georgia region, supporting regional camps, conferences, retreats, and programs, and playing a critical role in calling and ordaining new ministers. Learn more here.
Giving Tuesday - Launch of Christmas Offering
Giving Tuesday is a global movement that celebrates the spirit of generosity and giving. It underscores the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations coming together to make a positive impact in the world. You can be part of this year’s Christmas Special Offering, which supports the impactful work of regional ministries in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The Christmas Offering is a critical part of the Christian Church in Georgia because 100 percent of giving from Georgia congregations remains in the Georgia region, supporting regional camps, conferences, retreats, and programs, and playing a critical role in calling and ordaining new ministers. Learn more here.
Thanksgiving Special Offering
The Thanksgiving Offering supports Disciples colleges, universities, and theological institutions. Disciples have a long history of post-secondary and theological education. This offering helps support 15 colleges and universities, plus 7 seminaries and theological programs. Gifts from this offering continue the Disciples tradition of developing church and community leaders. Learn more here.
Regional Board Meeting
We will meet from 9 am - 12:30 pm with all of the Board members, Staff, Commission Chairs, Ex-Officio members and other attendees.
We will share lunch together from 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm. After lunch Staff, Commission Chairs, Ex-Officio members and other attendees are free to go.
The Executive Committee and all At-Large board members will meet from 1:15 pm - 3 pm to participate in a discernment process regarding significant decions necessary for the direction and focus of our ministry. We truly need all hands and minds on deck from the Executive Committee and At-Large members during this discernment process. For more information contact the Regional Office.
Clergy Connection Call
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at 12 pm, clergy are invited to stop by for an hour of conversation and idea-sharing with Interim Regional Minister, Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. For more information and a Zoom link to any of these virtual meetings, contact the Regional Office.
Healthy Boundaries 301: Money, Sex, & Power
Healthy Boundaries 101: Fundamentals
August 23, 2024, 1:45-5:30 pm ET (Part 1)
AND August 24, 2023, 8:45 am - 12:30 pm ET (Part 2)
Both sessions required
Last day to register August 18, 2024
An introductory workshop in healthy boundaries with an emphasis on power and vulnerability and including discussions on transference, friendships, dating, and self-care. This is the foundational Healthy Boundaries workshop which is a prerequisite to either Healthy Boundaries 201 or Healthy Boundaries 301.
The Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia provides Healthy Boundaries* workshops to ordained and commissioned Disciples ministers and those preparing for the ministry in Georgia. Materials and content used are provided by FaithTrust Institute and are widely used by denominations and faith organizations across the U.S. Workshop leaders have been trained and certified by FaithTrust Institute and include: Rev. Erica Geralds, Rev. David Kenley, and Rev. Kathy McDowell.
Please Note
These workshops were presented virtually beginning in fall 2020. Because the response to this format has been very positive, all workshops for 2024 will continue to be presented virtually. Workshops are presented in two half-day ZOOM sessions. Participants must attend BOTH sessions to meet standing requirements of the Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia.
A smart phone, tablet, or computer with a camera is required.
Class participation requires a relatively quiet and private location in your home or office.
You will be contacted by email before the event with further information and materials needed for the workshop.
Because our bi-vocational instructors have cleared their schedules in order to teach, should you need to cancel, no refunds will be given. However, your fee will be credited to a future class. A workshop which does not meet a minimum enrollment will be canceled and refunds will be issued to participants.
Payment Instructions
Registration fee is $75 for all workshops. Please check regional newsletter, clergy emails, and events at www.gadisciples.org for announcement of registration. Contact (478) 743-8649 or office@gadisciples.org with questions about registration or standing.
*Ordained and commissioned clergy in the Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia are required to complete a Healthy Boundaries training every five years, as stated in Policy and Procedures for Response to and Prevention of Clergy Sexual Misconduct. Inactive retired ministers are exempt from this requirement.
Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering
The Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering is received on the last Sunday in September and the first Sunday in October (World Communion Sunday) in support of ministries and congregations actively developing and implementing Pro-Reconciliation and Anti-Racist programs. These efforts take place through education, camp and conference, and relationship-building in many expressions of our Church. Learn more here.
Disciples Women Fall Retreat
September 27-29, 2024
Disciples Women are invited to gather at a beautiful seaside retreat setting for the Fall Retreat, “Crazy Love: Sharing Stories of Jesus.” The event takes place at Epworth By the Sea and will include fellowship, worship, learning, and service.
We are looking forward to sharing stories with friends as well as learning how to share stories of Jesus' love with others. There will be plenty of time for fellowship, bidding at the Silent Auction, hitting the beach, and relaxation. Back by popular demand: Line Dancing!
Rev. Daniel Claire Brower is a long-time Southerner and a short-time Disciples of Christ but loves both with all her heart. She is currently serving as Interim Minister at Decatur First Christian Church in beautiful Decatur, Georgia. She has previously served at First Christian Church of Lawrenceville, Bethel United Methodist Church, and Long Cane United Methodist Church.
Rev. Brower holds a Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dramatic Writing from Savannah College of Art and Design. She delights in weaving together storytelling, theology, and spirituality not only from the pulpit but in every aspect of life.
She is married to TW Brower, and together they have three rabbits, one cat, one daughter, and enough love to power the world. Rev. Brower also serves in the Georgia Army National Guard as Chaplain to the 878th EN BN in Augusta, GA.
Music will be led by Rev. Nancy Litz Oliver, who will be accompanied by Candace Stoffel on piano. Rev. Oliver served most of her 25 years in ministry at Peachtree Christian Church in Atlanta as Minister of Children and Youth. Prior to that, she was a professional entertainer, actress, and director with her husband, Steve Oliver, performing in theatre, television, radio commercials, educational television, and many other venues. In 1983, God called her to serve in a new area – Christ’s church, where her experience in professional drama and her degree in music education gave her the tools to work with children and youth and expand Peachtree’s Youth Program to include youth-led planning retreats, mission trips, and 25 summer tours of C.A.S.T., Peachtree’s Christian Acting/Singing Troupe. Before her retirement in 2012, she transitioned to new responsibilities as Connections Minister, working to promote congregational growth and strengthening congregational ties and relationships.
This year Rev. Oliver celebrates 54 years of marriage to Steve. They have been blessed with two children, and she happily serves as “Mimi” to 5 grandchildren.