


Clergy Requirements

  • Ministerial Standing
    The Commission on Ministry requires that ordained and commissioned Disciples ministers complete an annual standing form each year in order to receive or continue ministerial standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For more details about ministerial standing, clergy are invited to read Letter of Invitation from Interim Regional Minister Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes. Clergy are asked to complete the online form below by January 31, 2025.

  • Healthy Boundaries

    Ordained and commissioned clergy in the Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia are required to complete a Healthy Boundaries training every five years, as stated in Policy and Procedures for Response to and Prevention of Clergy Sexual Misconduct. The regional office typically notifies clergy with standing in Georgia the year they are required to complete Healthy Boundaries to retain their ministerial standing. Inactive retired ministers are exempt from this requirement.

  • Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Training

    Ordained and commissioned clergy in the Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia are required to complete a Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism training every five years. Contact the regional office to find out more if you have questions about whether you have completed this requirement.

  • Search and Call
    Ministers with standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who are seeking a church or call should consult the Search and Call page of Disciples Home Missions and carefully follow the process outlined. Following the process, which makes use of a secure server and a temporary password provided by Search and Call staff, is the ONLY way you should search for a position in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Georgia or other regions. Access to position listings is only given to ordained or commissioned ministers with standing or those preparing for vocational ministry within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who have been authorized by a Disciples region. Clergy and congregations also are encouraged to access additional resources related to ministerial search and call which are provided by the General Commission on Ministry (GCOM). 

  • Policy Documents


Clergy Support & Information

  • Georgia Clergy District Meetings
    Georgia Disciples churches are organized into districts, whose clergy gather for regular meetings. All meetings are currently being held via Zoom. Contact district conveners or for information.

    • Northwest District
      Held on 3rd Wednesday of every month at 12 pm
      Rev. Byron Wells, convener

    • Northeast District
      Rev. Cheryl Cloar and Rev. Richard Williams, co-convener
      Held on fourth Wednesday of every month at 12 pm

  • Clergy Connect - quarterly one-hour scheduled meetings with various clergy groups to connect and encourage. Call the regional office at 478 743-8649 for Zoom information

    • January 19, 7-8 pm - African American Clergy Connect

    • March 16, 7-8 pm – Women Clergy Connect

    • May 18, 7-8 pm – Chaplains & Educators Connect

    • August 31, 7-8 pm – Retired Clergy Connect

  • Clergy Connection Call - A recurring meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 12 noon. This is a virtual drop-in get together to connect with others in ministry in the Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia. Rev. Joan Bell Haynes facilitates these 1 hour gatherings. Contact the regional office at 478 743-8659 for Zoom information.

  • Sabbatical Support
    Through the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Programs, administered by the Center for Pastoral Excellence at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Disciples clergy have an opportunity to apply for sabbatical grants. Learn more here.

  • Pension Fund
    The Pension Fund of the Christian Church, which serves Disciples clergy and employees, administers one of the strongest, fully funded pension and retirement systems in the country. Learn more here or contact Aaron Smith, our Pension Fund regional representative for more information on all the programs Pension Fund has to support you and your ministry, including their new online mental health support program for clergy and families, “Learn to Live.”



Even as the impact of COVID-19 begins to diminish, there are continuing and lingering effects in our communities and congregations. Many resources are available, including the following:

Disciples of Christ

There are numerous Disciples resources are available through the website of the General Church, including worship/education, pastoral/leadership, grants/scholarships, history, ecumenical, financial, and publications. Explore these and more here. An adult study curriculum about Disciples, “A Covenant Conversation for Disciples,” which can be presented in-person or virtually, is available here.

Disciples of Christ News

Stay updated with news from the General Church and Disciples congregations across the U.S. and Canada by checking in on Disciples News. You can also sign up to receive news in your inbox.

Insurance Board

Insurance Board is a non-profit denominational program that offers a comprehensive church insurance program that protects a congregation’s unique risks and complicated needs of their ministries.  Meet Michael Campbell, who serves as the Georgia representative with the Insurance Board. 

Online Giving Platforms

This article reviews several  online giving platforms for churches.

Special Offerings

Disciples congregations have the opportunity to participate in four Special Day Offerings that support ministries across the life of the church at Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. An annual Week of Compassion offering in February supports Disciples relief, refugee and development work. An annual Reconciliation offering in September/October supports pro-reconciliation/ anti-racism programs through education, camp and conference, and relationship-building in congregations, our Region, and in the General Church.


If you are serving as Church Treasurer learn more about Disciples Mission Fund, find a Treasurer’s Handbook, and download remittance forms or complete online.

Treasury Services

Treasury Services of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) provide financial and accounting services for offices of the General Church and numerous Regions, including Georgia. It also receives and distributes Disciples Mission Fund (DMF) throughout the whole church. 


Disciples Men

The General Conference of Disciples Men is the formal organization in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that supports the ministry of Disciples Men



Disciples Women

Disciples Women in Georgia are supported in their ministry by the national organization Disciples Women



Families & Children

  • Children’s Ministry
    Ministries Across Generations is a ministry that curates tools and resources for children, families, and church leaders within all covenantal ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).





Mental Health

The Christian Church (DOC) in Georgia uniquely partnered with the Disciples’ National Benevolent Association (NBA) in 2016 to launch the Georgia Mental Health Initiative, which provides mental health resources (see below) to congregations and individuals. 



Racial & Ethnic Ministries (DOC)

  • Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries
    The Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries helps facilitate, enable, promote, undergird and coordinate the work of Hispanic Ministries within the total mission of the General Church.

  • National Convocation
    National Convocation supports and strengthens the partnership of African American DOC congregations within the total mission of the General Church. 

  • Black Disciples Who Made a Difference
    Brief biographies of Black Disciples

  • North American Pacific/Asian Disciples
    North American Pacific/Asian Disciples (NAPAD) ministries serve the growing number of American Asian and Pacific Islands churches as part of the total mission of the General Church.




Reconciliation Ministry is the national Disciples ministry which invites the church to listen to the once silenced voices of its racial and ethnic communities, and to make visible God’s beloved community. 



Regional Newsletter Archive

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Georgia sends out a regional news blast on the first Friday of each month. Past newsletters can be found here. Sign up to receive regional news in your inbox here.



Upgrade Thursdays

Upgrade Thursdays is a creative experience using a virtual platform to inform, inspire, and encourage the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Georgia. Drawing from expertise throughout our region and denomination, presenters have and will offer hour-long, Assembly-style workshops on selected Thursdays during 2021, 2022, and 2023. If you couldn’t be with us, you’re invited to check out the recordings and resources from some of these events.

Fall 2023

  • Alpha: A Tool for Conversations About Faith was presented by Michelle Tepper, Florida Network Director for Alpha USA, as a part of Upgrade Thursdays on 10-26-23. We learned how Alpha helps creates a safe space for people to be real, learn the basics of the Christian faith, build authentic relationships, and encounter the power of the Holy Spirit in the process. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Drink of One Spirit: Living Our Truths in Community was presented by Rev. Monique Crain Spells, Director of Christian Education/Faith Formation for Disciples Home Missions (DMF) and the National Convocation, as a part of Upgrade Thursdays on 10-12-2023. We explored characteristics of the Spirit, practiced tracing the Spirit, and discussed discerning when to course-correcting in the Spirit. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • How Does Your Garden Grow was presented by church leaders and growers in the Region of Georgia as a part of Upgrade Thursdays on 9-28-2023 . They told their stories of how they got started, who is served by their gardens, lessons learned, and plans for the future, with the goal of inspiring your church’s green thumb. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Disciples Home Missions: A Ready Resource for Your Church was presented by Rev. Chris Dorsey, President and CEO of Disciples Home Missions, as part of Upgrade Thursdays on 9-14-2023. The group learned more about the focus of DHM on mission, advocacy, and programs. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Welcome with a Wow! Your Visitors’ First Impressions was presented by Rev. Kyle Ermoian, Regional Director of New Church and Church Development, on 8-24-2023. The group learned about ways to up their church's hospitality through an effective "H.U.G.S.” (Hospitality, Ushering, Greeting, Security) Team. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Disciples Women: Questions for the Future was presented by Rev. Lainie Jenkins, Interim Director of Women’s Ministries for the Christian Church in Georgia, on 8-10-2023. The group engaged in a spirited discussion of ways to engage women of all ages in relationships that matter. Check out the Zoom recording here.

Winter 2023 

  • Growing Your Church Through BIG Days on 3-23-2023 was presented by Rev. Kyle Ermoian, who has pastored high-growth Disciples churches and is the Director of New Church and Church Development for the Christian Church in Georgia. Here he reviews principles for attracting and engaging new people who visit on BIG Days like Easter, Mother's Day, Christmas, etc. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Preaching in a Divided Age: Part 2 from Surviving a Dangerous Sermon was presented 3-09-2023 by Dr. Frank Thomas, Professor of Homiletics at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN. Dr. Thomas continued the discussion about preaching in a way that is faithful to the gospel and to our churches. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Preaching in a Divided Age: Part 1 from Surviving a Dangerous Sermon was presented 2-23-2023 by Dr. Frank Thomas, Professor of Homiletics at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN. Dr. Thomas discussed preaching the gospel in a way that it can do its work on the human heart without destroying or damaging the church, its people, or the preacher. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Week of Compassion: Your Compassion at Work on 2-9-2023 was presented by Rev. Caroline Hamilton-Arnold, Associate Director for Domestic Disaster Response. In this discussion, Rev. Hamilton-Arnold presents an overview of the current work we are doing together. Check out the Zoom recording here or the powerpoint.

  • Seeing is Believing: Cultivating God’s Vision in Your Church on 1-25-2023 was presented by Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale, Founder and Senior Pastor of Ray of Hope Christian Church, Decatur, GA. In this discussion, Dr. Hale shares insights and experiences from her long ministry at Ray of Hope Christian Church. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Hijacking Jesus: A Rebuke of Christian Nationalism on 1-12-2023 was presented by Rev. Adam Bradley, Associate Pastor of Downey Avenue Christian Church, Indianapolis, IN. In this important discussion, Rev. Bradley defines Christian nationalism and analyzes these movements through the lens of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Check out the Zoom recording here.


  • Rev. Carol Devine discusses the ministry of The Green Chalice, presented on 6-17-2020. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Rev. Debi Acree and Rev. Dr. Diane Bales discussed The ABCs of Child Abuse Prevention on 8-25-2022. Check out the Zoom recording here or the powerpoint, both of which covers signs of abuse, ways to prevent and intervene, and who is a mandated reporter.

  • Nearly 30 Disciples from around Georgia gathered on 9-8-2022 to hear from Georgia pastors on What’s Next? The Future of Church and the Church of the Future. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Innovative Ministry: Change is Your Friend on 10-13-2022 was the theme as Rev. Kyle Ermoian, Georgia Disciples Director of New Church and Church Development led a panel around a discussion of innovation in new and transforming churches. Check out the Zoom recording here.

  • Intentional Intergenerational Christian Faith on 10-27-2022 was presented by Rev. Dr. Olivia Bryan Updegrove, Minister for Ministries Across Generations (MAG). Abundant resources are available here through this ministry of Disciples Home Missions. Check out the Zoom recording here.



Young Adult

Young Adult Commission represents Disciples young adults across the life of the church, and seeks to give them opportunities for leadership and advocacy.




General Youth Council consists of adults and students who are committed to youth ministry in their local congregations and regions, giving youth opportunities to grow as future leaders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).