
The mission and ministry of the Christian Church in Georgia is carried out by commissions, ministries, and taskforces. Commissions are ongoing groups charged with specific areas of the Regional Church’s mission and ministry. Ministries are responsible for particular program areas of the church such as Disciples Women, etc. Taskforces are appointed from time to time for specific short-term responsibilities.

Commission on Communication

Chair: Rev. Kathy McDowell 
This group works to enhance communication between the Regional Church, Georgia Disciples congregations, constituency groups, and the General Church through a variety of media and communications technology. It also works to promote the mission and support of the Regional Church and Camp Christian Conference Center.

Commission of Regional Elders

Chair: Rev. George Pinkard
Regional Elders provide a supportive presence to Disciples congregations throughout Georgia. Each elder is assigned a short list of congregations which they annually visit to share in worship and celebration. In addition to maintaining quarterly contact with their churches, elders also serve as a connection to the Regional and General Church.

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Commission on Ministry (COM)

Chair: Rev. Dr. Stanley P. Saunders
This commission is responsible for the nurture, counsel, and processing of those seeking ordination, commissioning, or transfer of standing as Disciples ministers. The team also annually reviews ministerial standing and administers any available scholarship funds. In addition, they serve as a Hearing Board in the case of clergy misconduct, and ensure that Healthy Boundaries training is made available to Georgia Disciples clergy.

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Commission on New Church

Chair: Byron Wells
This commission supports and nurtures “Congregations in Formation” as well as established non-Disciples churches that seek to affiliate with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). When established criteria are met, they recommend such churches be recognized or received as established congregations.

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Outdoor Ministry Advisory Team (OMAT)

Chair: Marilyn Parks
OMAT serves as an advisory commission to Camp Christian Conference Center, helping plan events to increase usage for camps, retreats, and meetings. It also works with the Camp Managers and Regional Minister to maintain and develop the camp to facilitate its mission to be a place of sanctuary for spirituality, education, and development of whole persons.

Commission on Reconciliation 

Chair: Rev. Beth Wendl
The Reconciliation Commission works to advance the journey toward racial reconciliation by empowering the Regional Church and Georgia Disciples congregations to implement structural change to address historic fractures caused by racism and the systems that perpetuate it. Tools to accomplish this mission include: intentional dialogue, inclusive worship, shared experiences of mission and ministry, experiential education, and praying together.

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