Commission on Ministry

The Commission on Ministry (COM) guides the process of ordaining and commissioning ministers in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Georgia. 


The Commission on Ministry counsels candidates for the ministry both within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and those who seek ordination, commissioning, or ministerial standing from other Christian bodies.  The COM nurtures and processes ministerial candidates according to the Policies and Criteria for the Order of Ministry of the Christian Church in Georgia and the Theological Foundations and Policies and Criteria for the Ordering of Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). In addition, the COM: 

  1. Annually reviews ministerial standing of Disciples ministers in Georgia 

  2. Administers any available scholarship funds designated for ministerial candidates

  3. Makes available Healthy Boundaries training for clergy

  4. Serves as the Preliminary Hearing Board and Formal Hearing Board in cases of clergy misconduct


Commission on Ministry Members

Rev. Dr. Stanley P. Saunders, Chair

Rev. Debi Acree

Rev. Dr. Jerry Gladson

Rev. Dr. Bob Harris

Rev. Dr. Janice Johnson Hume

Rev. Will Johnson

Rev. Dr. Jarod Longbons

Rev. Aaron Smith

Rev. Dr. Darryl Trimiew

Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes, Ex-officio