
Disciples youth ministry programs for middle and high schoolers include an annual Regional Youth Assembly as well as support of congregational, regional and national youth events. Programs are planned and implemented by the Youth Activities Council (YAC).

Youth Activities Council


Youth Activities Council 2024-2025

The Youth Activities Council (YAC) is a leadership council composed of adults and youth that fosters faith and leadership.

Statement of Purpose

  •  To create programs of ministry for and by youth for the region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Georgia.

  •  To plan and execute an annual Regional Youth Assembly for CYF (high school) and Chi-Rho (middle school).

  •  To foster and support ministries that develop the full potential of youth as disciples of Jesus as they participate in the congregational, district, regional, and general expressions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

9th Grade:
Sophia, Lawrenceville FCC
Mary Kate, Sandy Springs CC
10th Grade:
Cooper, Chestnut Ridge CC
Harrison, Sandy Springs CC
James, Sandy Springs CC
Jyoti, Union CC
Edward, Guyton CC
11th Grade:
Zach, Sandy Springs CC
Thomas, Sandy Springs CC
Kaytie, Guyton CC
12th Grade:
Makayla, Central CC, Augusta
Molly, Lawrenceville FCC
Morgan, Damascus Road CC
Chandler, Watkinsville FCC

Adult Co-Directors:
Katie Brewer-Calvert
Maggie McSwain
Jacob Tate
Adult Leaders:
Tony Chimera
Rafael Evatt-Machado
Emily Jurado
Holly Lane


