2023 Pop-Up Gatherings


Georgia Disciples are invited to a new idea in 2023 — Pop-Up Gatherings. These gatherings serve as an opportunity for members and friends of Disciples congregations to come together to learn and fellowship across the region!

February 19th Pop-Up

The first pop-up was held Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 1 pm to participate in a hands-on learning experience that explores the Racial Wealth Gap. The group met at Ray of Hope Christian Church, 2778 Snapfinger Rd., Decatur, GA 30034, beginning with lunch at 1 pm. Then from 1:30-3:30 pm, Frances French Hagan, Regional Organizer for Bread for the World presented “Advancing Our Understanding About Hunger, Racism, and the Wealth Divide,” using the Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation tool. This program can be easily replicated in your congregation by contacting the Regional Office. A Bible study and Powerpoint is also available.