Young Adults Meet at Camp Christian

Georgia Young Adult Disciples gathered at Camp Christian July 22-24, 2022, with the hope of a small group of 6-10. Registration kept growing, however, and by the time the weekend arrived, about 34 were able to spend the weekend at Camp Christian. Organizers Dakota Brown from Peachtree Christian Church and Tyler Brown from Sandy Springs Christian Church reported that it was a great group, with young adults ranging from 2022 high school graduates up to age 30. Everyone knew a few people before they arrived, but by the end of the weekend, they had found they had many new friends. The group played trivia, swam in the pool, and had small group time around the theme of mental health. The range in ages provided an opportunity for a good mix of ages in small groups, enabling more experienced young adults to offer advice and answer questions. Special thanks to Dakota and Tyler who have both been campers and have served as Counselors at Camp Christian and as YAC sponsors. Learn more about Young Adult Disciples in Georgia here.


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