Director, Counselor and CIT Applications


Counselors are needed for all camps. Churches are requested to send a counselor for every five campers registering for any camp. Each camp has age requirements: Counselors must meet the age requirement by the date the camp begins.

  • CYF Conference - counselors must be at least 24

  • CHI RHO Camp - counselors must be at least 21

  • Junior, Chrysalis and Genesis - counselors must be at least 19 (1 year out of high school)

  • Junior Chrysalis or Genesis – Counselors-in-Training (CIT) must have completed 10th, 11th, or 12th grade during the 2023-2024 school year

  • OASIS Day Camp - Counselors-in-Training (CIT) must have completed 10th, 11th, or 12th grade during the 2023-2024 school year

OASIS Day Camp Volunteers

Summer camp programs also include an opportunity for young people to explore Christian service by serving as Counselors In Training (CITs) at Camp Oasis, an annual summer day camp experience at Camp Christian serving local children from Wilkinson County, GA. Counselors In Training for OASIS Day Camp must have completed 10th, 11th, or 12th grade during the 2023-2024 school year to participate. Click here for the application.

2024 Director/Counselor and CIT Application

There are two separate application forms for Director/Counselor (all camps), CIT (Junior/Chrysalis/Genesis), and CIT Oasis. To apply as a Director, Counselor, or CIT:

  1. Using links provided, complete online Director/Counselor (for all camps), CIT Oasis, or CIT  (for Chrysalis, Junior Camps, Genesis) application, being sure to use the correct form. 

  2. Please be prepared to provide information that includes experience, background check permission (for directors/counselors over age 18 and at least one year out of high school), and references (including phone and email) for your minister, a member of your congregation, a personal reference, etc. Please do not use a relative.  CIT’s will be asked to write a paragraph about why they will be a good counselor in training. 

  3. Please include certifications for first aid, life guard or others and dates of expiration.

  4. Please note that applications with missing information cannot be processed. Answer each question with specific and direct information in the “notes” sections. Please include phone numbers and email when asked. You might be asked to submit your name in a section and this is required.

  5. When your application is received, you will be notified and given further instructions by Regional Co-Directors of Camp Ministry if needed.

Camp Location

Camp Christian Conference Center

3735 Dennard Hardy Road

Gordon, GA 31031

478 628-2850 (for emergency use only)

Program Contacts

Regional Co-Directors of Camp Ministry

Marilyn Parks    770 533 0574

Pam Van Dusen

To Contact Co-Directors of specific camps

Co-Directors of Specific camps will include

Cell phone numbers in the “So You Are Coming To Camp Letter”

Letters may be sent using the format and address below:

Campers Name

Camp Name

3735 Dennard Hardy Road
Gordon, GA 31031

Please Note: No email. Do not sent packages with food.